The principles that shape and guide
the Authentic Personality...

  • Every air personality is unique. Each has a distinctive set of talents that power their performance. Each has a one-of-a-kind set of personal qualities that defines their appeal to listeners. Recognizing and understanding these talents and personal qualities is essential to helping an air personality achieve his or her potential.

  • Authentic self-expression creates extraordinary show content. It's all about the air personality's genuine and uniquely personal thoughts, feelings, experiences, and ideas. Their instinctive reactions to the world around them are the ultimate source of truly distinctive, compelling and memorable content. The really good stuff comes from within, not from without.

  • Passion creates that amazing “flow” that produces magical on-air performances. This passion is generated by ideas—not just any ideas—but ideas the air personality loves and can put his or her head, heart, and soul behind.

  • Magical on-air performances need not be limited to rare moments of inspiration. By understanding the elements of creativity and performance that resulted in a magical performance, that magic can happen again and again. Every air personality has at least a few magic moments every year; the great ones produce magic over and over again, because they know how.

  • When personalities are authentic—being themselves—they jump right out of the radio and connect with listeners. Nothing compares to being real. It forms a nearly unbreakable emotional bond and enduring relationship with listeners, one the competition can’t touch.

  • Air personalities excel and grow—just like everyone else—by perfecting their strengths, not by fixing their weaknesses. People can get 10% better in an area of weakness, but 10 times better in an area of strength. The great coach does not focus on shortcomings... does not try to put in what he thinks nature left out of a radio personality, but instead knows the job is to bring out what nature put in.

  • Good coaching is essential to growth and success. Too rarely do radio personalities receive immediate and useful feedback on their performance... but so often they receive abundant—and frequently damaging—input from listeners, friends, family, managers, and coworkers who unwittingly provide a variety of conflicting, confusing and often critical messages that create self-doubt and fear. Consistent useful direction from a coach or PD is the

  • The coach and air personality must be on the same page. Conflict and misunderstanding stifle growth. Common language and matched expectations are essential to effective communication and a successful relationship. These are not easily achieved without a systematic approach.

  • Fear is the ultimate enemy of authentic self-expression, creativity, and growth. Air personalities flourish in an environment where they feel comfortable, confident, secure, and appreciated.
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